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Ss21 New-wave Social Interventions For Shared Water Security: Insights From Africa

World Water Congress 2015 Edinburgh Scotland
Special session 21: The Battle To Frame Water Security
Author(s): Nick Hepworth
Water Witness International

Nick Hepworth, Water Witness International

Oral: PDF

WRM institutions the duty bearers - Vulnerable water users the rights holders
Uhakika - achievements
  • 250 000 reached with action to improve water security at <£1/head
  • Mashahidi model, ownership by partners, beneficiary evaluation and strong relationships with MoW and donors
  • Traction for early advocacy:
    • Enforcement training and warrants for Basin staff
    • Minister publicly committed to national review of permitting process and pollution enforcement
    • United platform for national advocacy on water security
    • National TV and media interest and coverage
  • Scaling in Kenya, Zambia (Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda planned)