IWRA Proceedings

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Ss3 The Sesame Project On Small Businesses: Understanding Flood Impacts, Evaluating The Effects Of Adaptation And Promoting Resilience

World Water Congress 2015 Edinburgh Scotland
Special session 3: Climate change
Author(s): Graham Coates
Dabo Guan
Tim Harries
Lindsey McEwen
Martina McGuinness
Nigel Wright
Dates: 03 Dec 2012 – 02 Jun 2016
Investigators: Graham Coates, Dabo Guan, Tim Harries, Lindsey McEwen, Martina McGuinness, Nigel Wright
Researchers: Sangaralingam Ahilan, Noel Johnson, Chunhui Li, Amanda Wragg

Oral: PDF

  • Research motivation, aim and programme
  • Cost of flooding to businesses
  • Importance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
    • Aims to evaluate current and potential SME flood response strategies, to identify which behaviour changes or actions will enable them to better prepare for / respond to future floods and strengthen their resilience
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