IWRA Proceedings

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Ss3 Flood Risk Management In The Context Of Change: A Uk Perspective

World Water Congress 2015 Edinburgh Scotland
Special session 3: Climate change
Author(s): Garry Pender
Lindsay Beevers
Lilla Collet
Michael Stewart
Ailsa Strathie
Garry Pender, Lindsay Beevers, Lilla Collet, Michael Stewart, Ailsa Strathie
Heriot Watt University

Oral: PDF

Joint EPSRC & EA funding
  • Knowledge of location, ownership, condition and impact of flooding infrastructure assets.
  • Land use issues: slow replanting following tree harvesting, soil compaction. Is catchment approach is picking this up?
  • Climate change is being modelled, data is being gathered and updated. Is this being translated into practical guidance.
  • Are different sectors of society disproportionately disadvantage by flooding?
Accounting for Climate Change Uncertainty in Flood Hazard Prediction
Flood Disadvantage