IWRA Proceedings

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Global food supply chains: their importance in understanding who manages the planet's water security relying on water blind accounting systems

World Water Congress 2015 Edinburgh Scotland
14. Valuing water: monetary and non-monetary dimensions
Author(s): Tony Allan
King's College London & SOAS
Tony Allan, King's College London & SOAS
IWRA 2015 Edinburgh, 25 May 2015

Oral: PDF

Why are food supply chains important?
  1. 92% of water consumed is embedded in food & fibre
  2. Farmers 􀍚􀅵a􀅶age􀍛 a􀅶d 􀍚mis-􀅵a􀅶age􀍛 over 90% of this water in
  3. very highly politicised market supply chains that privilege low food prices for consumers and returns to powerful players in supply chains
What do we need to do? Recognise:
  1. The power relations in market supply chains
  2. That farmers are the prime stewards of water resources
  3. That consumers, investors and other players do not understand their dependence on farmers with secure livelihoods
  4. The importance of installing reporting and accounting systems that enable secure farm livelihoods so that farmers can be good water stewards
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