IWRA Proceedings

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IWRA World Water Congress 2003 Madrid Spain
IWRA WWC2003 - default topic
Author(s): Ms. Roshni CHAKRABORTY (India)

Ms. Roshni CHAKRABORTY (India)

Article: PDF


The dawn of the twenty first century displays a picture where North- South irrespective of their economic variance is in contest to accomplish globalization through liberalization and environmental protection, to sustain the globe. This ongoing contest is often diverted by power sharing variance among countries establishing an obstacle to development and security. The environment resources are in degradable situation cause being inapt attention to preserve resources and dearth of knowledge of the government as well as the civil society. This is an authentic fact for the South where circumstances have been aggravating day to day. The degradable condition restricts them to waste time in debating on globalization and it’s ill- effects. The need to urgently concentrate in protection of environmental resource for future generation. Rapid urbanization, increase population and persistent poverty and unemployment has further complicated situations. Rational planning and managerial strategy is the requisition as the resources are limited. Air and water are cause for life on earth. In contemporary world they have got entangled with development parameter as global warming and water scarcity is reaching an awful state.

Water is prime to life on earth. It is a shared resource with two hundred and sixty one international rivers covering almost one half of total land surface of the globe. Water, flow does not restrict itself to political boundaries and could often be cause for scarcity. Considering the existing water scarcity and rising hostility among nations in South Asia, a significant question will be whether water sharing among nations is peaceful or conflicting? Water scarcity is an acute problem in common faced by most South Asian countries accompanied with problems of rising population, poverty etc. Will water scarcity lead to conflict? Considering the present crisis situation the South Asian countries needs to regionally preserve their environmental resources. A fusion of efforts of both civil society and government can help to develop sustainable policies for the future.

This article is trying to critically look at how successfully India is trying to tackle its water scarcity and pollution. How successful are the water policies that exist in India to handle the rising demand for safe water. This paper also tries to test that under the prevailing conditions in India how far water scarcity would lead to conflict both internally and externally and the various causes that lead to water conflicts.

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