IWRA Proceedings

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IWRA World Water Congress 2003 Madrid Spain
IWRA WWC2003 - default topic
Ioannis TENTAS
Panagiotis VYRLAS

Maria SAKELLARIOU-MAKRANTONAKI, Dimitrios KALFOUNTZOS, Ioannis TENTAS and Panagiotis VYRLAS University of Thessaly, School of Agricultural Sciences, Dept. of Agriculture, Plant Production and Rural Environment, Fytoko, 384 46 Nea Ionia Magnesias, Greece, E-mail: msak@uth.gr

Article: PDF


Rapid growth in the demand for potable and irrigation water coupled with natural shortage and continuous restrictions in supply, primarily in arid and semi-arid regions, have accelerated the search for alternative sources. Wastewater reuse is one possible solution that is being was to investigate the effects of irrigation with treated municipal wastewater through subsurface drip method, on growth characteristics of three ornamental coniferous plants, namely Juniperus of chinensis , Thuja orientalis cv. Compacta Aurea nana, Cupressus macrocarpa cv. Gold Crest, to detect any changes on irrigated soil properties and consequently, to evaluate the use of wastewater in water saving terms compared to freshwater The experiment was conducted in the farm of University of Thessaly, during 2002 farming period. An automated subsurface drip irrigation system with laterals buried at a depth of 0.15 m was used for water application. The experiment involved two water quality treatments. The first treatment accepted only fresh water. The second one, was irrigated periodically with treated The experimental results revealed that freshwater treatment exceeded wastewater in stem and canopy diameters as well as in the conifers' height, yet no statistically significant differences were observed between the two treatments. The lower growth of plants received wastewater is probably to high chloride concentration of waste. Also, from the soil analysis that conducted in treatment that received wastewater, not any concentration of toxic elements was recorded. No significant changes in pH, electrical conductivity Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mn concentration were recorded after soil analyses in treatment received wastewater before and after the irrigation. As regards the water consumption, the use of wastewater resulted in a 38 % saving of fresh water.