IWRA Proceedings

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To Study of the Appropriate Probability Distributions for Maximum Annual flows series Using L-Moment Method in Arid and Semi-arid Regions of Iran

Author(s): --------------
IWRA World Water Congress 2008 Montpellier France
1. Water availability, use and management
Author(s): Ali Salajegheh
Amir Reza Keshtkar
1- Ph.D. Student,Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Iran, P.O.Box:31585-3314. 2- Assistant Prof., Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Iran, P.O.Box:31585-3314.

Keyword(s): Keywords: Linear moment, Maximum likelihood, Ordinary moment, Residual sum of squares, Discharge, Frequency distribution function.
Article: PDF

AbstractAbstract In Probability distributions within hydrology different methods are used for their application. The most current of they have been central moment and with the using of computers, maximum likelihood method is used, too. The using of L-moment stages in our country. This research was carried out in order to recognition of suitable probability with pervious common methods. In order to investigation of suitable probability distribution for maximum annual discharges, by using of L-moment method through hydrometric stations which exiting in region, were be selected 20 hydrometric stations for maximum discharges. According to results of this research for annual maximum discharge, P3 distributions and L-moment method, LP3 distribution and ordinary moment method, LN2 distribution and ordinary moment method, LP3 distribution and L-moment method, P3 distribution and ordinary moment method have been suitable distinguished for %40, %30, %20, %10 and %5 of stations, respectively. For three distributions (P3, LN2, and LN3) and ordinary moment method with %23 of stations with P3 and ordinary moment were selected.