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Dam break simulation by means of a high resolution algorithm applied to La Parota, Guerrero, México

IWRA World Water Congress 2008 Montpellier France
4. Development of Water Resources and Infrastructure
Author(s): Maritza Arganis
Ernest Bladé
Josep Dolz
Martí Sánchez
Óscar A. Fuentes
Víctor Franco
Faustino De Luna
(1) Instituto de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Circuito Escolar s/n Edificio 5 Cub. 414-F Coyoacán c.p. 04510 México (2) Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, España Civil Engineering School Campus Nord- UPC Jordi Girona

Keyword(s): Dam break, CARPA, 2D free surface model, finite volumes
Article: PDF

Abstract In this paper a dam break simulation of “La Parota”, Guerrero, Mexico is presented by means of CARPA system which is based in a 2D WAF-TVD (Weight Averaged Flux – Total Variation Diminishing) high resolution finite volumes numerical scheme. With the obtained results it is possible to draw maps containing the depth, velocity and affected zones, which are very useful in the civil protection area.