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IWRA World Water Congress 2011 Pernambuco Brazil
1. Adaptive water management
Author(s): Raquel Toste
Gabriela Caiuby Ariani Nadaud
Marcos Freitas
Marta Ribeiro

Raquel Toste,Gabriela Caiuby Ariani Nadaud,Marcos Freitas,Marta Ribeiro, IVIG/COPPE/UFRJ, , gabrielacaiuby@yahoo.com.br

Keyword(s): vulnerabilidade ambiental e econômica,políticas de prevenção,políticas de prevenção,mudanças climáticas,Búzios
Article: PDF


In the context of climate changes, this paper seeks to demonstrate the validity of the preventive measures for potential impacts on the coastal zone, using Armação dos Búzios, Rio de Janeiro State - Brazil, as a case study. In addition to their physical characteristics, this municipality has great economic interest derived from its touristic potential. So, it was analyzed the potential impacted areas and its consequences on local activities. However, due to the absence of market prices for environmental goods, it was used valuation methods related to economic losses caused by the impacts on local activities. Thus it was estimated the environmental and economic vulnerability to climate changes. From the comparison between the costs of preventive measures and the value of goods and services that could be affected, it was possible to find arguments for the deployment of prevention policies. It is suggested the implementation of a cost-benefit analysis for the definition of preventive policies of management and planning, to ensure the maintenance of tourism, a major source of incomes for most Brazilian coastal municipalities.

Palavras-chave: vulnerabilidade ambiental e econômica; políticas de prevenção; mudanças climáticas

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