IWRA Proceedings

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IWRA World Water Congress 2011 Pernambuco Brazil
1. Adaptive water management
Author(s): Kevin Lansey
Robert Arnold
Guzin Bayraksan
Christopher Choi
Christopher A. Scott
Dossun Kang

Kevin Lansey,Robert Arnold,Guzin Bayraksan,Christopher Choi,Christopher A. Scott,Dossun Kang, The University of Arizona, Civil Engineering, lansey@email.arizona.edu

Keyword(s): infrastructure,resilience,resilience,water-wastewater,planning
Article: PDF



An ongoing project funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation is examining the opportunities and triple bottom line costs of integrating water and wastewater planning to take advantage of water reuse. The goal of the project is to examine decentralized treatment and dual water supply systems as a means to extend scarce water supplies and develop tools that allow decision makers to formulate sustainability, resilient, and robust long term community infrastructure plans. This talk will provide a summary of the project and important progress to date including indicators for water resource sustainability and resilience for water supplies and users, assessment of public perception and institutional context, models for triple bottom line costs for wastewater systems that extend WateReuse Foundation tools, optimization models and results for regional water and wastewater infrastructure design, and optimal design tools for dual water distribution systems on regional and local scales.

KEYWORDS: Water resources planning, sustainability, infrastructure

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