IWRA Proceedings

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IWRA World Water Congress 2011 Pernambuco Brazil
3. Governance and water law (co-convened by IWRA and AIDA)
Author(s): Satya Prakash
Patricia Correia Araujo

Satya Prakash,Patricia Correia Araujo, Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University, Department of Sociology, satya.hrb@gmail.com

Keyword(s): Drininking Water Managment,Privatization,Privatization,People's Resistance,The Netherlands,India
Article: PDF



Why alternatives to privatization of water are essential? To begin with this premise this paper aimed at studying the rapidly build strong (and frequently successful) resistance from the Water activists, social action groups and trade unions. This is also important when new privatization plans are revealed, why their demand for promoting 'water as human rights' and 'our water is not for sale' becomes slogan for protest to keep water public. This paper is an attempt to understand; One, the progressive public water management in the Netherlands. Two, How this system with a centralized but public water supply tried to combine public ownership and responsibility with concentration and efficiency gains. Three, how this experience form The Netherlands could be beneficial for the developing country like India. This work is based on my extensive field study in The Netherlands and comparing with the prevailing situation in India.

Key Words: Drinking water Managment, Privatization, Peoples Resistance, The Netherlands, India

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