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IWRA World Water Congress 2011 Pernambuco Brazil
3. Governance and water law (co-convened by IWRA and AIDA)
Author(s): Fernando Setembrino Cruz Meirelles
Edith Beatriz Camano Schettini
Walter Collischonn
Rodrigo Cauduro Dias de Paiva
Bruno Collischonn

Fernando Setembrino Cruz Meirelles,Edith Beatriz Camano Schettini,Walter Collischonn,Rodrigo Cauduro Dias de Paiva,Bruno Collischonn, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas, fernandomeirelles@gmail.com

Keyword(s): Quaraí,Bacia do rio Uruguai,Bacia do rio Uruguai,bacias transfronteiriças,Gestão Integrada de Recursos Hídricos,Comitê de Bacia
Article: PDF



One of the best practices of basin management is the effective participation of the social actors. However, it is usually very difficult for a several reasons, such as the technical language, the time necessary for the public audiences and the effort to obtain a representatively participation. In the Quarai basin, a binational watershed between Brazil and Uruguay, a different strategy for the Committee establishment was used. All the process was based in the hydrology model of the basin, calibrated with a conjugated work of Brazilian and Uruguayans engineers during the TwinLatin Project, developed at 2005-2007. With the information, dates and simulations generated by the model, the different local actors (irrigators, farmers, engineers, local authorities, NGOs, water and sewage’s company) preceded a necessary regional mobilization. This process was finished in two months (May to July of 2007). The first Committee composition started the process of basin management for the qualification of his members and discussion of conflicts of the water’s use and water’s rights. In 2010, the Committee starts the self-construction of the basin management plan. A technical commission formed with members of the Committee organized a plan’s proposal and a chronogram of meetings. The aims and scenarios of the plan were defined by the population of the basin in two regional meetings realized in May’2010. In the last December, the preliminary plan, including water body classification and a proposal of water value for different uses was presented to Committee and approved.

KEYWORDS – Comitê de Gerenciamento de Bacia Hidrográfica, Plano de Bacia, rio Quaraí

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