IWRA Proceedings

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IWRA World Water Congress 2011 Pernambuco Brazil
3. Governance and water law (co-convened by IWRA and AIDA)
Author(s): Daniel José Da Silva
Márcio Cláudio Cardoso da Silva
Thaianna Elpídio Cardoso

Daniel José Da Silva,Márcio Cláudio Cardoso da Silva,Thaianna Elpídio Cardoso, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, thaiannacardoso@gmail.com

Keyword(s): mudança climática,governança da água e do território,governança da água e do território,economia da experiência,comunidade de aprendizagem,tecnologia social,melhor para todos
Article: PDF



Climatic change is a matter of huge importance for researchers all over the world. The Transdisciplinar Group of Water and Territory Governance propose a model that works the governance, at Urucibici city, Santa Catarina State. Starting from the history of the break down theory (or Collapse Theory) of the societies according to the bounds ot their actions in the environmental which they live in, it´s perceived, in a global\local relation, the possibility of people to change elements of their own realities assuming the responsibility of their actions, engaged with the biosphere dynamics. We believe that the issues of climatic changes may be approached through the water and territory governance model, which includes: a) First agreement b) Experience economy c) Apprenticesship communit d) Local management e) Valuation, accomplished by an ethic of cooperation, solidarity and sustainability, perceiving the several intricate dimensions of this reality, with the possibility of building with people public policies based in the best for all.

Palavras-chave: Mudanças climáticas; governança da água e do território; melhor para todos