IWRA Proceedings

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IWRA World Water Congress 2011 Pernambuco Brazil
3. Governance and water law (co-convened by IWRA and AIDA)
Author(s): Sunetra Lala
Jacob Nitya
Sivakumar Smita

Sunetra Lala,Jacob Nitya,Sivakumar Smita, United Nations Children's Fund, Water Community, findsune@gmail.com

Keyword(s): knowledge networks,value network,value network,web 2.0,w2w
Article: PDF



The Water Community in Solution Exchange (WCSE), India, is a Value Network that connects with the local communities and administration for design and implementation of societal water projects. This paper portrays WCSE in the perspective of, what the authors label, a Web 2.0 based Value Network dedicated to societal Water projects (W2W). It distills WCSE’s experiences into a W2W management viewpoint by integrating the two distinguishing features of a W2W-Water and Web 2.0. Depiction and analysis of a case study of water initiatives facilitated through WCSE addresses the Water project dimension as distinct from general project management axioms. Synthesis of Value Network theory and personal insights of WCSE officials validated by a dipstick survey of its members leads into the Web 2.0 dimension. In conclusion, it presents an abstracted management framework annotating the process elements that sustain and nourish the growth of a W2W.

KEYWORDS: Knowledge networks, Value network, Web 2.0, W2W

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