IWRA Proceedings

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IWRA World Water Congress 2011 Pernambuco Brazil
1. Adaptive water management
Author(s): Eman Salama

Eman Salama, National Water Reserch Center, , dr_eman30@hotmail.com

Keyword(s): greywate,management,management,domestic water
Article: PDF



In Egypt water is becoming an increasing scarce resource so the utilization of low quality water – greywater - for specific purpose saves conventional resources. Greywater is generated from domestic usages including showers, bathroom sinks, kitchen sinks, dishwaters and washing machines. It is distinguished from black water - sewage - which is regarded as heavily polluted wastewater generated from toilet and contains large concentrations of fecal matter and urine. Greywater can be reused after appropriate treatment in myriad activities such as crop production, irrigation green spaces and golf courses, groundwater recharge, influent for industrial cooling systems and domestic cleaning. The objective of this research is to study the possibility of greywater reuse management and highlight the main obstacles and requirement for its reuse. This study covers greywater management system, greywater generation, potential for reuse and water balance. Moreover, cost / benefit, positive and negative impacts of greywater reuse are covered. The study revealed that the application of greywater management strategy saves fresh water but needs building capacity and awareness, modification of wastewater networks and codes of building.

Keywords: greywater, management, domestic water, reuse

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