IWRA Proceedings

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IWRA World Water Congress 2011 Pernambuco Brazil
1. Adaptive water management
Author(s): Luiz Celso Braga Pinto

Luiz Celso Braga Pinto, CAGECE, PERDAS, kryok@yahoo.com

Keyword(s): perdas,gestão,gestão,pressão,vazão,5w2h,pareto
Article: PDF



A new concept of water loss management was created in Ceara´s State sanitation company. It is a computacional system named Siscope and it has many tools to mitigate water losses. The Siscope aimed the improving of the operational management and consequent reduction of energy consumption and water losses. Monitoring through the water balance with a high level of detail allowed the operational optimization in relation to supply, as well as subsidizing actions to mitigate losses in supply systems. Information was provided transparently to the users in a database, facilitating and enabling the use of updated information at any time, via the intranet. It presented a technical description of a system that allows the use of operational management information in an integrated and focused on a broad, strategic analysis of key indicators related to loss control. The Siscope has been developed that integrates the various systems and databases from a sanitation company in a single system and database itself, also causing a backup of the original data. The system aimed to the input of management tools to analyze, record and monitor the results of actions, enabling their technicians to identify solutions to manage the losses, which increased the efficiency and effectiveness of actions. The Siscope was prepared with the following modules: The Siscope calculates and allows, from an evolution of the basic structure defined by IWA - International Water Association, monitoring, according to the supply system, the reference month and in great detail the various components of the Water Balance. The Siscope calculates and allows monitoring the evolution of the five main indices and indicators of losses, and other physical and commercial through charts and graphs.

PALAVRAS CHAVE / KEY WORDS perdas; balanço hídrico; gestão / water loss; water balance; management

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