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IWRA World Water Congress 2011 Pernambuco Brazil
3. Governance and water law (co-convened by IWRA and AIDA)
Author(s): Gerôncio Albuquerque Rocha
José Luiz Albuquerque Filho
Mara Akie Iritani
Marta Pereira Militão da Silva

Gerôncio Albuquerque Rocha,José Luiz Albuquerque Filho,Mara Akie Iritani,Marta Pereira Militão da Silva, IPT-Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo, , filhoalbuquerque2004@ig.com.br

Keyword(s): Sistema Aquifero Guarani,Proteção e recuperação de mananciais,Proteção e recuperação de mananciais,Estratégia de Proteção,Uso sustentável,Áreas de Intervenção
Article: PDF



The South Region in Latin America Continent includes into Parana Sedimentary Basin the Guarani Aquifer System (GAS), a groundwater large reservoir by approximately 1.1 million km2 area, extending through the territories of Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay. In Brazil the GAS occurs in the states of Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais, Goias, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Parana and Santa Catarina. The aquifer is explored with greater intensity by a thousand wells at depths from 100 to 300 meters from the edge of the basin, and some hundreds of wells in its deeper areas. The GAS is an important water source for public supply by the state of São Paulo. The unconfined areas represent regions that the aquifer is more vulnerable to contamination, a fact that justifies the creation of a Protection and Recovery Source Area (Área de Proteção e Recuperação de Manancial - APRM). The aim of this paper is to present results of the Project “Environmental Diagnosis for the Development and Environmental Protection Plan (Plano de Desenvolvimento e Proteção Ambiental da Área de Afloramento do Sistema Aquifero Guarani no Estado de São Paulo - PDPA) and present the Intervention Areas, as established in Sao Paulo state Law number 9.866/97. The characterization of the studied area focused on physical and socioeconomic aspects of the region, in addition to the pertinent legislation. Partial results indicate that the condition of the aquifer is satisfactory however the importance of territorial discipline is highlighted. This is the first APRM established to protect a groundwater resource and involves a wide geographic area. Therefore, there is the challenge to articulate actions in a regional context, of the State responsibility, with actions at a local level, responsibility of the municipalities.

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