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IWRA World Water Congress 2011 Pernambuco Brazil
1. Adaptive water management
Author(s): Francisco Rossarolla Forgiarini
José Luiz Silvério da Silva
Leonidas Luiz Volcato Descovi Filho
Ferdnando da Silva Cavalcanti

Francisco Rossarolla Forgiarini,José Luiz Silvério da Silva,Leonidas Luiz Volcato Descovi Filho,Ferdnando da Silva Cavalcanti , IPH/UFRGS, , francisco_forgiarini@yahoo.com.br

Keyword(s): águas subterrâneas,critérios legais,critérios legais,gestão dos recursos hídricos
Article: PDF



The water resources are strategic in the world and especially in Brazil. This article examines criteria for water resource management in the country, considering the interface between surface water (or fluvial) and groundwater. Was used as a case study the basin of Rio Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil which has outcrops of the Guarani Aquifer System, one of the largest groundwater reservoirs of the planet. We studied the criteria for legal instruments of grant of water use and classification of water bodies at different levels: local (well of groundwater abstraction), regional (sub-basins), global (basin). The criteria were: (i) local: the potential and the drawdown of aquifers; qualitative parameters of water; radius of influence of well, (ii) regional: vulnerability of aquifers, reduction of river discharge in the sub-basins, (iii) global: reduction of river discharge in the basin. The results indicate that the criteria analyzed according to different levels, facilitate actions for conservation of surface and groundwater sources.

Palavras-chave: interface entre águas superficiais e subterrâneas; sustentabilidade, gestão dos recursos hídricos.

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