IWRA Proceedings

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IWRA World Water Congress 2011 Pernambuco Brazil
1. Adaptive water management
Author(s): Alexandre Augusto Moreira Santos
Afonso Henriques Moreira Santos
Oscar de Moraes Cordeiro Netto
Thiago Roberto Batista

Alexandre Augusto Moreira Santos,Afonso Henriques Moreira Santos,Oscar de Moraes Cordeiro Netto,Thiago Roberto Batista , iX Consultoria, , thiago_ehd@yahoo.com.br

Keyword(s): controle,outorga,outorga
Article: PDF



In any institutional model the control of water concession of use rights has not been a simple thing. The main problem is associated with the difficulty of adopting strategies that allow an effective monitoring of the captured flow. The advancement of measurement systems and data transmission allows sophisticated control other than just a measurement or a limitation of a single maximum warranted flow. Dynamic ranges can established due to variations in influent flow for example. It is proposed in this article that the control should be made basically by measuring the water depth immediately after the point of capture. Among other advantages the water depth criterion is applicable to water courses, and can be perfectly adapted to withdrawal in reservoirs. Another advantage of the proposed control is that monitoring and surveillance could be better achieved through telemetry systems.

Palavras-chave: Outorga, Controle, Lâmina d’água

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