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IWRA World Water Congress 2011 Pernambuco Brazil
1. Adaptive water management
Author(s): Alba Lucia Andrade Coelho Nisida
José Euclides Stipp Paterniani
Rogerio Perujo Tocchini
Larissa Vellosa Portela
Marcelo Antonio Morgano
Valéria Christina Amstalden Junqueira

Alba Lucia Andrade Coelho Nisida,José Euclides Stipp Paterniani,Rogerio Perujo Tocchini,Larissa Vellosa Portela,Marcelo Antonio Morgano,Valéria Christina Amstalden Junqueira, Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos e Doutoranda na FEAGRI – UNICAMP, Fruthotec, anisida@ital.sp.gov.br

Keyword(s): água recuperada,reuso de água,reuso de água,água da fruta envasada
Article: PDF



Besides the frozen concentrated orange juice, the sector's industries produce multiple products. The evaporated water is produced in the step of concentrating the juice, being separated by condensation in the evaporator itself. This evaporated water is fully exploited by the industry itself in various operations, but in not so noble. Whereas it is the product from fruit itself, this work aims to characterize, for exploration of the possibility of its use in the form of "fruit water" bottled for human consumption. The evaporated water obtained after the concentration of orange juice was collected on ten different dates of production in industry sector, characterized by the determinations provided by the Brazilian Technical Regulations for Bottled Water and Ice (Resolutions 274 and 275 by Anvisa) pertinent to the raw material under study, and other determinations as follows: Inorganic Substances, Organic Chemicals, Pesticides, Microorganisms and Physical Properties. The results showed good potential for use of this water in bottled form for human consumption, given that the only parameters that exceeded the limits were turbidity and color.

KEYWORDS: recovered water; water reuse; bottled fruit water

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