IWRA Proceedings

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IWRA World Water Congress 2011 Pernambuco Brazil
1. Adaptive water management
Author(s): Juscelino Chaves Sales
Clint Walton Siebra
Antônio Renan Frota Costa

Juscelino Chaves Sales,Clint Walton Siebra,Antônio Renan Frota Costa, UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL VALE DO ACARAE-UVA, , juscelinochaves@hotmail.com

Keyword(s): açude,agua,agua,semi-árido
Article: PDF



The Brazilian Northeast is almost all entered into the semi-arid, having problems with water shortages. The construction of dams is one means we use to minimize the problem of drought in Ceará. Taquara Dam with a capacity to store up to 320 million cubic meters of water, built in the river basin Acaraú will benefit thousands of residents in the northern state of Ceará. She was featured in this pond are some problems that can impair the quality of water deposited on it, this fact is a consequence of not clearing the forest where the dam was built, it can cause eutrophication of water impounded. It was also felt that when there is a regular winter, the pond that leads to bleeding, wet passage that provides access to district Arariús, will be submerged, isolating the district, another factor considered was the possibility of installing a small hydro power plant in decision water of this dam.

Keywords: dam, eutrophication, small hydroelectric plant.