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Registration Fees

Please note that regular registration is open until 25 August 2023. Click here to start the registration process.

Please note: IWRA Gold members receive a discount on the congress registration fees and other immediate benefits. To become an IWRA Gold member, click here to learn more.

Category Early-bird
Last Minute
Full-registration IWRA Gold Member Developing Countries 600 650 700
Developed Countries 700 800 900
Other Member and Non-member Developing Countries 700 750 800
Developed Countries 800 900 1000
Student 300 350 400
One-day 250 300 350
Exhibition Free Pass
Technical Field Trip (Tentative) Route 1: World Cultural Heritage Tour - Summer Palace & Jingmi Aqueduct (1 Day)
Route 2: Rural Ecological Protection Tour - Miyun Reservoir & the Reservoir Area (1 Day)
Route 3: Ancient and Modern Comparison Tour - Water Ecosystem Protection and Restoration to Dujiangyan and Chengdu City (2 Days)
Route 4: The River Guarding Project Tour - Mighty Pillars of the Grand Nation (2 Days)
Route 5: The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal (Hangzhou Section) : A Journey on Water that Connects the North and the South (2 Days)

Please note that:


We accept Credit Card and Bank Transfers for international (USD) payment. Payment in any other currency will not be accepted.

Invoice Issuance: For international payment, the official electronic receipt service is provided by the congress, users can choose to download it on the congress' official website after completing the payment.