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Wang Daoxi Chaired Congress Organising Committee’s Second Meeting of the XVIII World Water Congress

Updated:2023-09-07  Beijing, China

On August 25th, 2023, Mr. Wang Daoxi, Vice Minister of Water Resources of China, chaired the second meeting of the XVIII World Water Congress Organizing Committee (COC) in Beijing, China. During the meeting, reports on Congress preparations were presented by the Water Resources Management Department (MWR, China), the Department of International Cooperation, Science and Technology (MWR, China), and the General Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Planning and Design (GIWP). The meeting reviewed arrangements for the opening and closing ceremonies, the China Special Session, and other crucial activities, as well as important Congress materials.

The meeting emphasized the need for rigorous preparations in the final stage of the Congress, including checking for any omissions or gaps, rehearsing the entire process, reviewing all relevant materials, and effectively carrying out publicity work. It also highlighted the importance of promoting General Secretary Xi Jinping's principle on water governance of "prioritizing water conservation, balancing water distribution in time and space, and taking a systematic approach to water management with the synergy of government and market", China's achievements, and experiences in water management since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, both domestically and internationally. The COC's coordinating and guiding role was stressed, along with the necessity for all relevant departments, bureaus, and units to closely cooperate to ensure the Congress's success.