XIVth IWRA World Water Congress

DATE: September 25-29, 2011 - VENUE: Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco – Brazil






It is our distinct pleasure to welcome you to the World Water Congress. Most of you have been planning for a year or more to attend and have made careful preparations. Some have joined the list of participants more recently. And still others will register on the spot. All of you play important roles in making the Congress a success, and we sincerely hope you will make the most of the event, the sessions, the chance to network and meet colleagues – old and new. We are certain you will enjoy the Porto de Galinhas venue and world-renowned Brazilian hospitality.

The Congress itself is the product of years of planning. The overarching theme, Adaptive Water Management: Looking to the Future, was decided through a process of consultation by IWRA, the Secretaria de Recursos Hídricos e Energéticos do Estado de Pernambuco (Pernambuco State Secretariat of Water and Energy Resources), and members of the International Scientific Committee. Selection of Porto de Galinhas, Recife, and Pernambuco state to host the Congress goes back at early 2006. The scientific committee and organizing committee have spent countless hours, days, and months putting together the program, which is organized around four central themes (Adaptive Water Management, Global Change and Water Resources, Governance and Law, and Knowledge Systems) in addition to a special session track. The keynote and plenary speakers come from around the globe and represent, multilateral governmental organizations, national agencies, universities, research institutes, non-governmental organizations, and water supply and sanitation utilities. Over 500 presenting authors among an estimated total of 850 participants from 56 countries will enrich the discussions, debates, and professional development opportunities

Via the Congress plenaries, technical sessions, poster stands, exhibition booths, and special side events, participants will gain in-depth exposure to emerging water resources challenges including climate change; population growth, urban expansion and demographic changes; economic development; water quality degradation, and ecosystem water requirements. Each of these alters the way water is managed. Together, they require fundamentally new priorities for technology and infrastructure, management and policy, allocation and pricing, and above all a new future outlook for water resources professionals.

Numerous institutions have a hand in organizing the event, most notably the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco and its Foundation for Development Support (FADE), the International Association for Water Law (AIDA), VERSeau Développement, the University of Arizona, the Portuguese Water Resources Association, the Brazilian Water Resources Association, the International Development Research Centre of Canada, Singapore International Water Week, the International Hydrological Programme of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, and the Congress Secretariat ably managed by Acqua Consultoria.

Our thanks to these and others, and to you as participants! We look forward to a successful and rewarding event.

Prof. Jun Xia, President, International Water Resources Association
Prof. Almir Cirilo, Chair, Congress Local Organizing Committee
Prof. Christopher Scott, Chair, Congress International Scientific Committee

Prof. Jun Xia
International Water
Resources Association

Prof. Christopher Scott
Congress Local
Organizing Committee

Dr. José Almir Cirilo
Congress International
Scientific Committee

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