Programme  SSm2 Ten years of the Brazilian water law: achievements and new challenges (Part 2)
Date (YYYY-mm-dd) Début (hh:mm:ss) Fin (hh:mm:ss) Traduction Type Salle
2008-09-0116:0017:30nospecial session Joffre C-D

SSm2 Ten years of the Brazilian water law: achievements and new challenges (Part 2)

Organised by: Agência Nacional de Águas (ANA), Brazil and UNESCO Brazilian Office

Coordinator: Benedito Braga (e-mail:

Responsable: José Almir Cirilo

10 years of the Brazilian Water Law: Achievements and New Challenges

Brazil started in 1997 a major water reform inspired in the French model of river basin management. This new water management system was developed through a bottom up approach, in which the professional water resources associations played a definite role. The Brazilian Water Resources Association, a member of IWRA, was the leading organization with the launching in 1987 of the Salvador Declaration. This Declaration set the basic water resources principles that should be followed in the water sector reform in Brazil. Through an inclusive process, other professional associations merged and helped to craft a very sophisticated water resources management system for the country.

It took 10 years of discussion with all stakeholders: users, professional associations, non-governmental organizations, federal and state governments and the Federal Congress until the law was finally passed. International Organizations played an important role in the implementation of this system. In particular, the UNESCO Office in Brazil was instrumental in the establishment of the National Water Agency of Brazil – ANA.

Since the enactment of the Water Law, several legal and institutional developments took place. Additionally, many basin committees were implemented. Basin plans were developed and bulk water charging systems implemented.

The special session will bring key actors to describe the process and to provide their advice to other countries interested in reforming their water sector. The difficulties of using the river basin concept in federative countries like Brazil will be discussed. At the end a presentation will bring the Latin American context and how these water reforms are being implemented in the continent.

The session will take place on Sep 01, 2008 at Joffre1 auditorium in the CORUM Congress Center of Montpellier with 4 presentations and a discussion panel at the end. The UNESCO Office in Brazil and ANA are the organizers and main sponsors of this special session. The presenters have been selected among leading representatives of the different segments (government, academia, users and NGO) involved in the implementation of the system.


Special Session Program:

Chair: José Almir CIRILO  – Executive Secretary of Water Resources of the State of Pernambuco, Brazil

Introductory Remarks by the Chairman

Ben BRAGA – Director of ANA – The Brazilian Water Resources Management System – Theory and Praxis

Raymundo GARRIDO – Professor at Federal University of Bahia - Bulk water charges, from theory to practice: The Paraiba and Piracicaba experiences

Questions and Answers

Coffee- Break

Marco Antonio PALERMO  – President  of the Brazilian Water Resources Association (ABRH) - The role of Civil Society in the water management system of Brazil

Oscar CORDEIRO NETTO – Director of ANA – The Latin American perspective on Water Resources Management

Debate and Panel Discussion


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