Programme  OS6f The human dimension of water management
Date (YYYY-mm-dd) Début (hh:mm:ss) Fin (hh:mm:ss) Traduction Type Salle
2008-09-0208:3010:00noordinary session Sully 3

OS6f The human dimension of water management

Responsable: Mizanur Rahaman

Session abstracts
  1. La reconnaissance sociale comme préalable du progrès technique : - Author: Claire Gout
  2. Water matters in New Zealand: Exploring and articulating social values - Author: Ann Winstanley
  3. Water Soft Paths: Planning Beyond Demand Management - Author: Paul A. Kay
  4. Identifying Water-Poverty Links at Plot Level: - Author: Stephen Vosti
  5. Increasing Water Use Efficiencies through Participatory On-Farm Water Management Studies - Author: Shahab Daneshvar
  6. Economic costs on health related to water: Mexico case - Author: Boris Marañón-pimentel

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