Programme  OS3g Climate change: disasters and extreme events
Date (YYYY-mm-dd) Début (hh:mm:ss) Fin (hh:mm:ss) Traduction Type Salle
2008-09-0216:0017:30noordinary session Joffre A-B

OS3g Climate change: disasters and extreme events

Responsable: Cécile Loumagne

Session abstracts
  1. Impact of climate change on hydrological risks - Author: Philippe Cantet
  2. Impact du projet Energie de l’OMVG dans la Gestion des extrêmes hydrologiques dans le Parc National du Niokolo-koba et dans la moyenne vallée du fleuve Gambie. - Author: Justino Vieira
  3. Impact of hurricanes in urban centers: Metropolitan Area of Mexico City - Author: Augustin Felipe Breña-puyol
  4. Capacity Building in Developing Countries as the Aftermath of Natural Disasters - Author: Tadeusz Malkiewicz
  5. Simulating hydraulic management of the Rhone delta under flood and sea surge conditions - Author: Philippe Chauvelon
  6. Groundwater Use in Earthquake Emergency: A Case Study in Japan - Author: Tadashi Tanaka

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