Programme  SSh2 Assessment of climate change impact on the Arab region (Part 2)
Date Begin End Translation Type Room
2008-09-0116:0017:30nospecial session Joffre A-B

SSh2 Assessment of climate change impact on the Arab region (Part 2)

Organised by: Arab Water Council

Coordinator: Dr Wael Khairy (e-mail: and Dr. Safwat Abdel-Dayem, Executive Director, Arab Water Council (e-mail:

Go to part 1 of the session for a more detailed description

Agenda part 2:

16:00 – 16:30    Study on climatic element changes, Land use and Land cover of the marsh regions in Iraq, Dr. Ibrahim J. Mohammed and Dr. Hasan H. Gatie
16:30 – 17:00    Climate change and its impacts on water resources in the Maghreb region; Mr. Abdelhamid Ben Abdelfadel and Ms. Fatima Driouech
17:00 – 17:30        Discussion



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