Programme Poster session 4 abstract 940
Quality control of drinking water sold in plastic bags in Abidjan (COTE
Author(s): Jean Stéphane Claon, Cho Christophe Amin N’, Julie Sackou Kouakou, Sylvie Kore
Lekadou, Luc Kouadio
UFR Sciences Pharmaceutiques-Université de Cocody-Abidjan
Institut National
d'Hygiène Publique - Abidjan
Session: Poster session 4
Abstract Introduction and objectives
Sales of plastic-bag-packaged water have
been on the rise in West African countries. The success is mainly due to its convenience, affordable cost and
apparent hygiene. The product was first introduced in fully hand-made bags, and in 2003 the process was improved
by using small packaging process units. As the result, the water comes in 250 ml bags with trade name, expiration
dates and various quality claims. The consumer excitement surrounding the new packaging resulted in a proliferation
of small companies. Our study aims to assess the quality of this packaged water and its production
Production sites were inspected and the water quality was studied from 2005 to 2007. The
method of Ichikawa was used for the inspection. Production sites with successful inspection had their water samples
submitted for physical, chemical and bacteriological analyses using WHO recommended parameters. All analyses
were conducted at the Institut Nationale d’Hygiene Publique (National Institute of Public Hygiene).
161 production sites were inspected. Almost half (45%) failed the quality control inspection with
adverse implications on water potability. Among noted reasons for this failure rate were the lack of employee training
(12%), substandard sanitation programs (10%) and production sites (9%). In addition, 6% of production sites had
their plastic bags handfilled; increasing thereby the contamination risks. Among the production sites with a successful
inspection, 88% had water samples meeting all the WHO potability criteria. The remaining 14% had water samples
exceeding the recommended levels of coliforms, pH and nitrites.
The introduction of new water
plastic-bags was a progress. However, the product quality and packaging processes needs to be improved to live up
to the WHO recommended criteria. Our data illustrated the health risks associated with this popular product.