Programme Poster session 3 abstract 761
Multi-objective Optimization of Water Resource Systems using HEC-
Author(s): Beth Faber, Julien Harou, Sara O’Connell
Army Corps of Engineers, Institute for Water Resources, Hydrologic Engineering Center, CEIWR-HEC, 609
Second Street, Davis, California, USA 95616.
Keyword(s): multi-objective optimization, reservoir systems, systems
analysis, water resource planning and management, HEC-PRM, HEC-ResPRM, network flow optimization
Session: Poster session 3
Abstract HEC-PRM (“Prescriptive Reservoir Model”) is a
generalized computer program that performs deterministic network-flow optimization of reservoir system operations.
PRM “prescribes” optimal values of flow and storage over time that minimize penalty functions at selected locations
in the water resource network. Penalty functions associate a penalty or reward (negative penalty) with levels of flow
or storage. For environmental restoration, flow and storage levels that deviate widely from natural levels can be
penalized, thus suggesting system operations closer to the natural regime. Optimization with a Network Flow with
Gains algorithm enables relatively fast run times for large systems but restricts constraints to capacity limits and flow
continuity at nodes. PRM has been applied to several large multi-reservoir systems in the U.S. such as the Columbia
River System, the Missouri River System, the Mississippi Headwaters, and the state-wide water resource network
of California.
HEC-ResPRM is a new software environment for PRM designed to facilitate modeling for
data-intensive single or multi-objective reservoir system operation studies. The environment is in large part shared
with HEC-ResSim – a reservoir system simulation tool. The integration of PRM into the HEC-Res modeling
platform was made to enable the joint development and use of simulation and optimization models. Central to the
software’s graphical user interface is a network display of the water system underlain by an optional map or image of
the area. Properties of system elements can be edited directly in the network display and time series of results
plotted for any network element. The multi-objective nature of water resource problems is addressed by allowing
any number of penalty functions (including those with differing units) to be added at any network location. A penalty
weights editor facilitates development of trade-off curves between competing objectives by allowing the user to
easily change the multiplier on an objective for all locations. Features of the software are demonstrated with a simple
hypothetical system and with real application to the Mississippi Headwaters Reservoir System is briefly described.
HEC-ResPRM is free for download on the internet.