Programme Poster session 1 abstract 704
Hydro-economic Models for Integrated Water Resource Management
Author(s): Julien J. Harou, Manuel Pulido-Velazquez, David E. Rosenberg, Josue Medellin-Azuara, Jay R. Lund
Keyword(s): Hydro-economic models, IWRM, efficient allocation, economic value of
Session: Poster session 1
Abstract Hydroeconomic models help water managers design, operate and expand water resource systems efficiently and in
accord with explicitly represented societal values and priorities. These models have emerged as a privileged tool for
investigating and fostering integrated management of water resources. The cross-fertilization of engineering and
economics allows more realistic representation within mathematical models of how water is managed in practice and
how management could be improved. Hydroeconomic models are distinguished by a solution-oriented and
integrated approach. The discipline’s central idea is that water demands are not fixed requirements but rather
functions where different quantities of water at different times have varying total and marginal values. In this
approach water management is driven by the economic value of water rather than by (or in addition to) other
requirements or priorities. Economic concepts used include: economic water demand, value of environmental
services, consumer surplus, willingness-to-pay, and supply-side economics. Hydroeconomic models are built with
diverse aims, formulations, levels of integration, spatial and temporal scales, and solution techniques. This paper
surveys several hydroeconomic applications from the United States, Jordan, Spain, and Mexico. Policy insights and
management practices revealed by the applications are discussed to show how such modeling efforts promote
integrated water resource management. Hydroeconomic models go well beyond minimizing costs and maximizing
profits, they provide a common framework through which the value of all water services can be considered and used
to direct system planning and operation.