Programme OS5f Governance of water
quality abstract 547
Coupled water and nutriment modelling of an intermittent French river: The
Author(s): Nanée Chahinian, Marie-George Tournoud, Jean-Louis Perrin, Bernadette Picot
HydroSciences Montpellier UMR CNRS-IRD-
UM1-UM2, Université Montpellier 2, Case courrier MSE,
Place Eugène Bataillon, F-34095 Montpellier Cedex
5, France.
Tel : +33(0)4 67 14 90 21
Fax : +33(0)4 67 14 47 74
Email : chahinian@msem.univ-
Keyword(s): Modelling, Hydrology, Water Quality, Nutrient
Session: OS5f Governance of water
Abstract Intermittent rivers have a specific hydrological behaviour resulting in long draught periods
interrupted by floods of high intensity and short duration which also influence the water quality dynamics. Indeed
during low flow periods pollutants accumulate in the river bed and are flushed away by the first floods. The stream’s
water quality will thus by governed by the interaction between the hydrological conditions of the river and its
chemical and biological status.
These rivers are widespread in semi-arid countries and the temporal and spatial
variability of their flows induce great management problems. They are also difficult to model because sharp variations
in flow and river bed wetness are still not correctly represented in most models. In addition, errors on flow
simulation, especially during low flow periods, have direct repercussions on water quality simulations. However,
there is a great demand for models as they are good tools to predict the impact of management changes on both the
river and the downstream water bodies.
The objective of this work is to model the hydrological and water quality
dynamics of an intermittent river. The latest version of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT 2005) is used to
simulate phosphorous and nitrogen transport on the Vène experimental catchment for which data is available since
The results indicate that the model is sensitive to the prediction errors on flows and to the partitioning
between particulate and dissolved form for a given nutrient. The results also highlight the need for a better
representation of the channel rewetting processes.