Programme OS5e Multiple and multisector
uses abstract 526
Facilitating policy-oriented learning about the multi-actor dimension of
water governance
Author(s): Ça?r? B. Muluk
Author(s): Leon M. Hermans, Çagri B. Muluk
Leon Hermans, Assistant Professor,
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Technology, Policy and
Management, P.O. Box 5015, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
Tel. ++31-15-2785776; Fax ++31-15-
2786233; Email
Keyword(s): policy learning,
evaluation, actor analysis, EU Water Framework Directive, theory-driven evaluation
Session: OS5e Multiple and multisector
Abstract Policy-oriented learning is critical to water governance in a
context of constant change. The complexity of water systems and the unpredictable changes require adaptive water
governance. Policies should be based on the best available knowledge and leave room for flexibility in their
implementation. Their implementation should be monitored and evaluated at regular intervals, to enable learning
about a policy’s impacts as its implementation unfolds. This should ensure that adjustments are made when necessary
and that emerging insights feed into subsequent policy cycles.
Learning is required about the physical water
system and about the human system through which policy measures affect the physical resources base.
Unfortunately, such learning is complicated by numerous factors, including a lack of monitoring data, time-lag effects
between the implementation of policy measures and their impacts, as well as thresholds and leaps in nonlinear
ecological processes. Also, water governance involves various actors with different roles and responsibilities. It is
difficult to understand how institutional and socio-economic policy measures work in these multi-actor networks, as
well as to organize collaborative learning among those actors. Especially for this multi-actor dimension, there seems
to be a need for new tools and approaches that facilitate learning for water governance.
Model-based actor
analysis offers a promising approach to facilitate such learning that addresses the multi-actor complexities. Model-
based actor analysis approaches cover several methods that help to understand the perceptions, resources and
values of the actors involved, and/or the structural characteristics of actor networks. This helps to gain insight into the
factors that influence the outcomes of actors’ interactions. Past application of these approaches for policy
development suggest that they yield interesting new insights and have the potential to contribute to the interaction and
learning processes among actors. Especially the models that analyze actors’ perceptions, such as dynamic actor
network analysis, are promising for policy learning. These models are compatible with the idea of theory-driven
evaluations, using actors’ inputs to reconstruct critical assumptions behind policy mechanisms and to identify different
success criteria.
The paper will illustrate the use of dynamic actor network analysis to evaluate early
experiences with efforts to support the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive in Turkey. The results
show some important strengths and limitations of the application of the Water Framework Directive to support water
governance in Turkey. More generally, the findings confirm that model-based approaches for actor analysis can
make an important contribution to policy-oriented learning for better water governance.