Programme OS6f The human dimension of
water management abstract 465
Water matters in New Zealand: Exploring and articulating social values
Author(s): Ann Winstanley, David Wood, Miria Lange
Dr. Ann
Winstanley*, Ms Miria Lange, Dr. David Wood
Institute of Environmental Science and Research
27 Creyke
P.O. Box 20-181
New Zealand
*lead author
Keyword(s): New Zealand water management, decision-making processes, social and cultural values of water, community
values and perceptions, Maori values
Session: OS6f The human dimension of
water management
Abstract In many areas of
New Zealand, councils, developers and irrigation-dependent farmers are exploring water storage options to provide
reliable water supplies to offset over or full allocation (in the Tasman and Canterbury regions, in New Zealand’s
South Island); to provide protection from drought events likely to be exacerbated by future climate change; and to
meet the increasing global demand for high value commodity products as well as sustainability demands of global
markets. This paper will outline the processes of decision-making in the Tasman and Canterbury regions, evaluating
the extent to which social and cultural values of water are taken into account. It will also explore how better
articulation of social and cultural values might mediate economic and environmental concerns, which tend to be
The paper is based primarily on the findings of two research projects, the first that identified and
documented community values and perceptions of water management options in the Waimea Basin (Tasman), and
the second project that included observations (and evaluation) of a regional reference group process to evaluate
potential storage options for the Canterbury region, and a pilot survey of residents’ values of Canterbury rivers. An
initial commitment of decision-makers to meeting all sustainability parameters (social, cultural, environmental and
cultural) rather than (but not excluding) tradeoffs and hierarchies associated with the different parameters appears to
influence how decision-making groups work together and outcomes. Other factors that influence how and to what
extent social and cultural values are taken into account include scale – the size and geographic variability of the
region as well as population size and demographics; and issues relating to political and governance arrangements and
The paper will outline how the Crown’s and local governments’ commitment to partnerships
with Maori (indigenous peoples of New Zealand) based on the Treaty of Waitangi provides clear imperatives for
engaging with Maori on water-related issues, and subsequent articulation of Maori cultural values and needs. In
contrast, many non-Maori (pakeha) struggle to articulate and integrate social, cultural and spiritual values of water,
making it difficult for decision-makers to ensure that these values are taken into account in water resource
management issues, such as major water storage developments to ‘future-proof’ reliability of supply. We conclude
by suggesting that improved articulation and documentation of social and cultural values creates opportunities for
finding common ground and reducing polarisation between different sectors, interests and rural and urban residents.