Programme  Poster session 2  abstract 431

Areas of use for generic Decision Support Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management

Author(s): Evers Mariele
Associate Professor for Environmental Management and Informatics at University of Lüneburg/Germany

Keyword(s): IWRM, generic DSS, management, comprehensive approach

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Session: Poster session 2
AbstractIntegrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) refers

to the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources for optimising economic and

social welfare without compromising the sustainability of vital environmental systems. It is obvious that this is a

complex issue where we need new approaches to the assessment, development management, and participation. To

assist processes in IWRM computer based tools as Decision Support Systems (DSS) can be very helpful. A

generic DSS can be used for many problems and generally also in different river basins. Generic DSS provide

specialized problem-solving expertise stored as facts, rules, procedures, or similar to structures in different river

basins. Based on broad elicitations from about 100 experts from five European countries and an evaluation of a DSS

prototype the paper describes what kind of DSS with which functionalities is appropriate and necessary for IWRM

and for what areas generic DSS are suitable.

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