Programme OS8a Capacity building abstract 400
Improving Farmers’ Adaptive Capacity to Manage Water
Through Participatory Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation in Northeast Thailand
Author(s): W.
Naivinit, Guy Trébuil, Manitchara Thongnoi, Christophe Le Page
Keyword(s): adaptive management, water dynamic, labour migration, companion modelling,
agent-based model
Session: OS8a Capacity building
Abstract The XIIIth World Water Congress 2008
Global changes and water resources:
Confronting the expanding and diversifying pressures
1-4 September 2008, Montpellier, France
session: Capacity building in developing countries
Submitted for oral
Improving Farmers’ Adaptive Capacity to Manage Water Dynamics
Through Participatory
Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation in Northeast Thailand
W. Naivinit1, C. Le Page2, M. Thongnoi3, and
G. Trébuil4
1 Faculty of Agriculture, Ubon Rajathanee Universit; Ph.D. student
at Chulalongkorn
University, Thailand and Paris X – Nanterre University, France;
2, 4Cirad, UPR Green, Montpellier, F34000
CU – Cirad ComMod Project, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand;
3 M.Sc. student,
Faculty of Agriculture, Ubon Rajathanee University, Thailand
Northeast Thailand
has the largest rainfed lowland rice (RLR) ecosystem in the kingdom and is notoriously known for its high rate of
poor smallholders. The unstable rice productivity as a consequence of an unfavourable ecological environment
(erratic rainfall and infertile soils) interacting with low price of rice drives these poor people to migrate for more
profitable employment leaving often their land and its water underused. During the last 15 years, small water
resource improvement programs launched by the Thai government under its poverty alleviation agenda had limited
success. Labour migration is an adaptive strategy to cope with the uncertainty of rainfall and its distribution. As a
consequence, off-farm employment becomes a more and more important source of income. But the relationship
between labour migrations and land and water management on the farms is still poorly documented.
Therefore, we
used the Companion Modelling (ComMod) approach to improve the understanding of this key interaction and to
reinforce stakeholders’ adaptive capacity to deal with uncertainty linked to water dynamics and labour management
in the Lam Dome Yai watershed of Ubon Ratchathani Province. ComMod facilitates dialogue, shared learning, and
collective decision-making to strengthen the adaptive management capacity of local communities through integrative
collaborative modelling. The cyclic ComMod process is made of iterative loops comprising field investigations,
modelling, and participatory simulations relying on the combinations of Role-Playing Games (RPG) and Agent-Based
Models (ABM) used with stakeholders. In this case study, 5 ComMod loops were carried out to better understand
the problem being examined, stimulate exchange of points of view and enhance the creativity of the participants while
lessening the black box effect of computer models. The key processes embedded in the models are based on
stakeholders’ decision-making driven by human-environment interactions. We take into account the diversity of farm
types with their specific strategies and means of productions. The RPG and the ABM represent this diversity as rule
-based agents (local farmers) managing this specific RLR ecosystem. The RPG mainly helped the stakeholders to
understand the rules and sequence of ABM simulation while the ABM helped the stakeholders to better understand
self-situation and examined causes of actions of other players. The ABM is used to identify the scenarios with local
farmers, and simulated for discovery learning towards to desirable scenarios.
The communication presents and
discusses the various effects of this participatory modeling and simulation process on the different components of
farmers’ adaptive capacity: learning and understanding the problem, capacity and network building through social
learning, and new behaviours and practices such as more cash crops the dry season when additional water is
available by very small farming households. The preliminary results of scenarios simulated with farmers are also
discussed. In conclusion we explain how the outcomes of such a ComMod process could be used to inform water
policies at the regional level.