Programme OS5e Multiple and multisector
uses abstract 387
Participatory risk management approaches for water planning and
management: insights from Australia and Bulgaria
Author(s): Katherine A. Daniell, Peter Coad, Irina Ribarova, Ian
White, Nils Ferrand, Jean-Emmanuel Rougier, Alexis Tsoukiàs, Philip Haines, Natalie Jones, Albena Popova,
Stewart Burn, Pascal Perez
Corresponding Author’s
Katherine A. Daniell
Cemagref UMR G-EAU
361, rue J.F. Breton
BP 5095 - 34196
Montpellier Cedex 5
+33 4 6704 6300 (tel)
+33 4 67 16 6440 (fax)
+61 419 848 256
Keyword(s): Water planning, risk management,
participatory, values, Australia, Bulgaria
Session: OS5e Multiple and multisector
Abstract Multiple decision makers and managers, competing
interests and values, scarcity of resources, complex legislative requirements, and vast uncertainties about the future
due to a more connected and rapidly changing world and the impacts of climate change, are just some of the issues
that impact upon the capacity to carry out effective water planning and management. Throughout the world these
issues are becoming increasingly difficult to handle, and there have been calls for more adapted approaches to aid
the decision making processes required for water planning and management. Participatory risk management
approaches appear appropriate to such situations as they can be designed to increase collaboration and manage
conflict, explicit uncertainties, and structure complexity in more understandable forms. This paper will outline some
insights and lessons learnt from the design and implementation of two different participatory risk management
processes for water planning and management: a values-based method based on the Australian and New Zealand
Standard for Risk Management for the development of the Lower Hawkesbury Estuary Management Plan in
Australia; and a participatory modelling approach to manage the risks of living with floods and droughts in the Iskar
basin in Bulgaria. Both processes were designed and implemented with the aid of researchers, local managers,
government representatives at various levels of jurisdiction, community stakeholders and external legislative, scientific
or engineering experts. The Australian process was an initiative driven and funded by the Hornsby Shire Council, a
peri-urban municipality of Sydney. It consisted of three interactive stakeholder workshops with an average of 20
participants, held over a period of four months, as well as an external scientific and legislative review. The
workshops focussed on establishing estuarine values, issues and current management practices; performing a risk
assessment based on the stakeholder defined values (assets) and issues (risks); and formulating strategies to treat the
highest prioritised risks as input to the estuary management “risk response” plan. The Bulgarian process in the region
of Sofia formed part of the European Project “AquaStress”, funded by the European Union, and was primarily
driven from a research perspective. The participatory process was more elaborate in design than the Australian
process with around 60 stakeholders divided into 6 groups taking part in a series of 15 workshops, individual
interviews and evaluation exercises over a one year period. The process included cognitive mapping of the current
management context and physical system, values, visions and preference elicitation for actions, strategy development
and evaluation. Both cases provided rich insights into the value and constraints of participatory risk management
approaches in different regulatory and political environments, as well as some important recurrent issues that
organising teams of participatory approaches need to appreciate including: impacts of last minute process changes;
how to deal with divergent objectives in a multi-institutional organising team; and the unintended ethical issues that
can arise when working in “real-world” management situations. Increasing awareness of the value and potential
issues associated with participatory risk management approaches should aid their adoption and the subsequent
improvement of water planning and management around the world.