Programme OS5d Transboundary water
issues abstract 129
The Triangle of Needs: A Framework for Promoting Cooperation in
Transboundary River Basins
Author(s): Maria Placht, Ali Shafqat Akanda, Sarah Freeman
Ali Shafqat Akanda,
Maria Placht, Sarah Freeman
200 College Avenue, Anderson Hall
Civil & Environmental Engineering
University, Medford, MA 02155, USA
Telephone: +1 603 264 5214
Keyword(s): Euphrates, water, food security, energy, conflict resolution
Session: OS5d Transboundary water
Abstract The
transition from conflictive to cooperative relations of transboundary river basins inevitably involves the sharing of
benefits. A review of environmental agreements demonstrates that they are more likely to succeed if embedded in
trade agreements. This paper proposes a framework involving the exchange of water, energy, and food that
examines how to share these benefits most efficiently and effectively. Such regional integration of water resource
development ensures that all interests and needs are preserved. The water, energy, and food needs of the riparian
countries must be integrated to produce optimum benefits for all involved. Tradeoffs between these needs are
examined from political, historical, and analytical perspectives. This framework is then applied to the case study of
the Euphrates River basin in order to examine its potential for practical application.
The Euphrates River
supplies the bulk of freshwater to eastern Turkey, Syria, and Iraq. Due to water intensive development plans, the
projected water demands of these riparians are expected to exceed the total flow of the river around 2025. The
threat of water shortage is compounded by the GAP (Southern Anatolia Project), a massive, integrated development
project in eastern Turkey, which, once fully operational, will consume a third of the river’s mean annual flow. There
have been a few efforts to share data and discuss challenges bilaterally, however there have been no trilateral
discussions to jointly manage the waters of the Euphrates.
Relations between the three countries have been
characterized by distrust and a lack of communication, compounded by unilateral development projects and
inefficient water management practices. A framework for cooperation that promotes equitable sharing of the river is
vital for peace and sustainable development in the region. Parallel to the existing Track II efforts, mediators can
provide a forum needed for a productive discussion on sharing water, energy, and food security. An analysis of
trade options shows potential for a regional agreement if all parties are willing to accept the necessary tradeoffs. The
proposed framework concludes that benefit sharing will promote regional stability by integrating basin development
and the broader riparian interests.