“World Water Day 2021: Valuing Water”

Celebrated each year on March 22nd, World Water Day brings celebrates water and raises awareness to of the 2.2 billion people living without access to safe water. The theme of World Water Day 2021 was focused on “Valuing Water“. Beyond the economic issues, this topic includes also the environmental, social and cultural value people place on water.
With water resources facing increased pressure, understanding the many different and competing ways to value this unique resource becomes a key way to help equitably balance competing demands and interests, and reach sustainable responses worldwide today, and for many generations to come.
In preparation for these webinars, participants were invited to access the United Nations World Water Development Report 2021 to learn more about this topic.
Participation was free and open to all. Audience questions were encouraged.
(3pm – 4:30pm CET)
- Valuing the landscape components that produce and deliver water
- The multiple (and sometimes hidden) values of groundwater
- Valuing water in Bangladesh
- The value of water in the Ger areas of Ulaanbaatar
Distinguished Panellists
(3pm – 4:30pm CET)
- Nomundari Erdene, Asia Pacific Regional Ambassador, Water Science Policy
- Graham Jewitt, Honorary Professor, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
- Anita Milman, Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst, United States
- Sayef Tanzeem Qayyum, Bangladesh Country Coordinator, 2030 Water Resources Group
Presented by Scott McKenzie, PhD Candidate, University of British Columbia.
Recordings and presentations will be uploaded shortly!
(9am – 10:30am CET)
- Valuing water in history from old wells, modern dams to future coastal reservoirs
- Experiences in valuing water in Bangladesh: Lessons learned and future applications
- Valuing groundwater: study on zones classification, management and control methods based on groundwater functions in China
- Flood damage assessment: An Italian experience
- Honoring relationships with water
Distinguished Panellists
(9am – 10:30am CET)
- Francesco Ballio, Professor, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- David Hebart-Coleman, Programme Manager, Water Resources, SIWI
- Jennifer Moeller-Gulland, Water Risk Expert, World Bank Group
- Shuqing Yang, Executive Secretary, International Association for Coastal Reservoir Research, Australia
- Lili Yu, Deputy Division Chief & Professor Level Senior Engineer, General Institute of Hydropower and Water Resources Planning and Design, Ministry of Water Resources, China
Presented by Scott McKenzie, PhD Candidate, University of British Columbia.