Water and Climate Change: A Holistic Approach
June 6 - 14:00 (CET)

Sea level rise, extreme storm events causing more runoff and less aquifer recharge, and prolonged heat waves are manifestations of climate change. There are several adaptation strategies to counteract these realities.
IWRA organised a webinar to present the various aspects of the linkages between water & climate change and to raise awareness of the various approaches to adaptation to climate change. It also looked at the initiatives being taken by IWRA’s Water & Climate Change Task Force to address the challenges of climate change.
Topics include:
- Water Resources and Adaptation to Climate Change – Malcolm J. Gander – Remedial Project Manager, Naval Base, Kitsap-Bangor
- The Great Snow and Glacier Dependent Rivers of Asia and Climate Change: Preparing for Troubled Waters – David Molden – IWRA Honorary Member; former Director General, ICIMOD and Deputy Director General, IWMI
- Local knowledge and citizen science for climate change adaptation at the Bolivian Andes – Paula L. Pacheco Mollinedo – Researcher, Agua Sustentable
- Faith and traditional knowledge for preserving Biodiversity and Water resources: “Sacred” Forests and Water Bodies – Gauravjeet Singh – Co-Chair, IWRA Climate Change Task Force; Project Manager and Communications Specialist, Kirat Animations
- Water-Energy Nexus by connecting Mitigation and Adaptation Pathways – Alex Godoy-Faúndez - Associate Professor, Universidad del Desarrollo; Visiting Scholar, Harvard University
Moderated by: Raya Marina Stephan, International Water Law Expert, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Water International, Co-Chair, IWRA Climate Change Task Force
Presented by: Arturo Salazar, International Water Resources Association, Webinar Officer
Thank you for your participation!
IWRA Webinars constitute an additional resource designed to help our members, academics, dedicated practitioners, and policy professionals further explore these and other timely themes engaging in fruitful discussions, also aligned with the international water agenda and in close collaboration with key partners.