The Water ChangeMaker Awards

Global Water Partnership (GWP) is launching, together with partner organizations, the Water ChangeMaker Awards at a time of global unease. The world is fighting a major global health crisis and the economic future of many people is at risk.  Both need the attention of governments, businesses, and citizens around the world.  Many essentials must also continue, and among these is taking smart decisions on how we use and safeguard our water and how we protect ourselves from water-related hazards, such as floods and droughts as the climate crisis continues.

The purpose of the ChangeMaker Awards is to make visible the teams and organizations who shape water decisions that build climate resilience and are meant to stimulate:

1. Recognition: of organizations and individuals that manage water in a climate resilient way;

2. Solutions: to help water practitioners address their water management challenges;

3. Collaboration: to promote and build a broader learning community.

The journeys towards such decisions will have involved changing mindsets from inertia to action; speaking truth to power; finding new ways of working; building new coalitions; changing laws or policies; mobilizing others to collaborate, and more.

GWP will collect these journeys because, at times like these, learning from and celebrating those who have made things happen is more important than ever. Send your submissions and learn more!