The International Water Resources Association (IWRA) was pleased to invite you to join the side event it is leading and contributing to during the upcoming UN 2023 Water Conference in New York, taking place from March 22nd to March 24th, 2023. Please find more information below and don’t forget to pencil them in your calendar!
Water-Economy-Ecology Nexus in a changing environment: A roadmap from New York to Beijing to Bali
Thursday, March 23rd, 18:30 – 19:45 EST (23:30-00:45 CET)
Room: Side Event Room 9
This side event focused on how the water needs of humans and nature can be balanced under the water-economy-ecology nexus in a changing environment. The event featured best practices of the Netherlands, Tajikistan, China, and Indonesia – co-hosts of the 2023 UN Water Conference, XVIII World Water Congress, and 10th World Water Forum, respectively – to produce responses that will support achievement of the SDGs.
Additionally, IWRA is also contributing to the following sessions as a partner organiser:

Sustainability in good governance of groundwater resources
Wednesday, March 22nd, 12:30-13:45 EST (17:30-18:45 CET)
Description: The event highlighted how water cooperation can be used to enhance peace and security, as well as identify key opportunities, challenges and lessons-learnt from African countries.
Organisers: Kingdom of Morocco, UNESCO, International Network of Basin Organizations, International Water Resources Association
Strengthening Climate Resilience through Expansion of Investment in the Water Sector
Thursday, March 23rd, 11:00-12:15 EST (16:00-17:15 CET)
Room: Side Event Room 9
Description: This event showcased practical water projects with all climate action groups to increase the fund accessibility and exchange ideas, especially those related to climate resilience building.
Organisers: Asia Water Council (AWC), OECD, UNDP, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), World Bank (WB), Green Climate Fund (GCF), Asia Development Bank (ADB), Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-water), International Water Resources Association (IWRA) and others.
Water for Nature, Nature for Water: Policies, Solutions and Commitments for Sustainable Development
Thursday, March 23rd, 11:00-12:15 EST (16:00-17:15 CET)
Room: Side Event Room C
Description: The event presented legal tools and local practices to mainstream the protection of rivers and other waterrelated ecosystems in decision-making and announce commitments for the Water Action Agenda
Organisers: International Association for Water Law, Ajemalebu Self Help (AJESH); Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA); Brazilian Knowledge Center on Biodiversity, Brazilian Program on Biodiversity (PPBio); Conservation International; Earth Law; Ecuadorian Rivers Institute; Environmental Law Institute; French Water Academy; French Water Partnership; Geneva Water Hub and other
Supporting gender equality in the Water Action Agenda with Global Multi-stakeholder effort
Thursday, March 23rd, 17:00-18:15 EST (22:00-23:15 CET)
Room: Side Event Room 6
Description: The event brought the voices of the Global Multistakeholder Coalition for gender equality in water to
discuss concrete actions linked to the Water Action
Decade, and agree upon a joint roadmap.
Organisers: Government of Guatemala, SEPREM – Presidential Secretary for Women and others
Big Earth Data: A Game Changer to Promote Implementation SDG 6
Thursday, March 23rd, 18:30-19:45 EST (23:30-00:45 CET)
Room: Side Event Room 8
Description: Recent advances and challenges in big earth data sciences and highlighting its potential for supporting research and policy towards implementation of SDG 6 were discussed.
Organisers: International Society for Digital Earth, International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals; Land and Water Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and others
Groundwater: An Invisible Cross-sectoral Fundament for Implementation of the Water Action Agenda
Friday, March 24th, 08:00-09:15 EST (13:00-14:15 CET)
Room: Trusteeship Council Chamber
Description: This event was a follow-up to the “UN-Water Summit on Groundwater” organized in December 2022. The side event was about calling for commitments of actions on groundwater across the globe and sectors.
Organisers: Co-lead Governments: Namibia, Botswana; South Africa; Partner Governments: Austria, Bahamas, El Salvador, Finland, Germany, Rep. of Korea, Slovenia, Spain, St Kitts and Nevis, Switzerland, Uganda, Uruguay, and other partners
For any questions, please send an email to: office@iwra.org.
The UN 2023 Water Conference – formally known as the 2023 Conference for the Midterm Comprehensive Review of Implementation of the UN Decade for Action on Water and Sanitation (2018-2028) – will include an opening and closing session, six plenary sessions, and five interactive dialogues, as well as side events organized by participants. It will result in a summary of proceedings from the UNGA President that will feed into the 2023 session of the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF).