IWRA Proceedings

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The impact of sea level rise and climate change on fresh groundwater occurrences and volumes below atoll islands

Climate change, nature and nexus: Climate Change and Water (RS2)
Author(s): Tess Davids
Tess Davids - Deltares, Delft, Netherlands
Article: PDFOral: PDF

AbstractFreshwater lenses are important freshwater resources on Small Islands Developing States (SIDS), especially during droughts. Sustainable groundwater management is urgent due to climate change, population growth, and unsustainable extraction. Additionally, sea level rise will irreversibly impact these lenses. We used the SIDS modelling framework, developed by Deltares in 2021 to assess the effect of these stresses on the freshwater lenses. It is an open-source Python-based toolbox that utilizes the iMOD-WQ software to generate a density dependent groundwater model. To quantify the impact of flood events on the freshwater lens iMOD-WQ is coupled with the flood event software SFINCS.