IWRA Proceedings

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Assessment of the impact of anthropogenic pollution and seasonal variation on the quality of surface water in the ZAT river, Tensift basin, Morocco

IWRA 2023 Online Conference - Emerging Pollutants: Protecting Water Quality for the Health of People and the Environment
Theme 1: Emerging pollutants in aquatic ecosystems
Author(s): Abdelillah Bouriqi, Naaila O uazzani, Jean-François Deliège

Abdelillah Bouriqi1,2, Naaila O uazzani1, Jean-François Deliège2
1. Laboratoire eau, Biodiversité et Changements Climatiques ( EauBiodiCc) Faculté des Sciences Semlalia,Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Maroc
2. Laboratoire Pe GIRE(Unité R&D de l'Aquapôle), Département BEE, Université de Liège, Belgique

Poster: PDF


River water quality fluctuates from source to downstream as a result of anthropogenic water pollution, which can be caused by point source discharges (such as industrial or urban wastewat er) or di ffuse loads (such as agricultural discharges ), combined with the influence of variables like temperature and water flow.

This study investigates the effects o f seasonal and geographic flow variations, anthropogenic pollution, and water quality on the ZAT River in Morocco. The weighted index (WI), is used to establish the chemical assessment of water quality. Moreover, the Iberian Biological Monitoring Working Group's biological index IBMWP is used to evaluate water quality.

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