IWRA Proceedings

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Impacts of Climate Change on the Production of Major Crops and Health Security in Gilgit Baltistan Pakistan: Water-Food and Health Nexus

IWRA 2021 Online Conference One Water, One Health
Theme 3: What opportunities lie in the improved cooperation between water, food, and public health sectors?
Author(s): Engr. Prof. Dr. Attaullah Shah, Prof. Dr. S.M.Nizami, Dr. Karamat Ali

Engr. Prof. Dr. Attaullah Shah - Karakoram International University Gilgit Baltistan Pakistan

Prof. S.Moazzam Nizami - University of Haripur Pakistan

Dr. Karamat Ali - Karakoram International University


Keyword(s): Climate Change, Gilgit Baltistan, major crops, Survey, Water Food and Health nexus
Oral: PDF


(a) Purpose or objectives and status of study or research hypothesis:

The water security at global and regional level has been threatened with the increase of population, urbanization and climate changes. The climate change induced modification in the glacial mass and formation of glacial lakes will lead to water shortage in Hindukush-Karakoram and Himalaya (HKH) region. This water shortage will further lead to food and nutrition insecurity in case of low productivity of agricultural produces. This research was mainly aimed at reviewing the crop production prospects in the Gilgit Baltistan of KHK region in the wake of the Climate Change and subsequent impact on the availability of water.

(b) Key issue(s) or problem(s) addressed:

The Climate Change in Gilgit Baltistan Pakistan, has led to many challenges like extreme weathers, variability in the availability of water and reduction in the yield of the major crops in most of the valleys.

(c) Methodology or approach used:

In this mixed mode research, the impact of climate change has been assessed on the production of the major crops in Gilgit Baltistan region of Northern Pakistan, on the basis of questionnaire survey of the famers from the Climate Change prone areas, which was followed by structured interviews. The Climate Change was assessed on the basis of data provided by Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD). The production rate of the major crops of the region was analyzed in relation to the changing patterns of Climate. The results have also been compared with the responses from the questionnaire survey and structured interviews.

(d) Results and conclusions derived from the project:

The comparison of results shows substantial decrease in the production rate of the major crops of the region due to changing temperatures due to Climate Change. In some of the, valleys there is drastic reduction in the
production rate of the major crops due to climate change. The availability of water for the growth period of the crops and increase in temperature due to climate change have been witnessed as the major reasons. At the same time, the reduced yield of crop has also led to severe food shortage and subsequent malnutrition in the region. This has resulted to stunted and wasted growth in the children in the region.

(e) Implications of the project relevant to selected conference theme, theory and/or practice

The research is related to Water Food and Health Nexus of the Conference theme.

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