IWRA Proceedings

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Introduction to session 6 - June 8th 2021

IWRA 2021 Online Conference One Water, One Health
Theme 3: What opportunities lie in the improved cooperation between water, food, and public health sectors?
Author(s): Moderators:
Bassel Daher, Jennifer Sara
Christine Moe,Virender K. Sharma, Yilin Zhuang, Isaiah Akoteyon, Neil Grigg

Bassel Daher – Assistant Research Scientist, Texas A&M Energy Institute; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering; Research Fellow, Institute for Science, Technology, and Public Policy, Texas A&M University
Jennifer Sara – Global Director, Water Global Practice, World Bank

Christine Moe – Professor, Eugene J. Gangarosa Chair in Safe Water and Sanitation, Rollin School of Public Health, Emroy University
Virender K. Sharma – Professor, Program for the Environment and Sustainability ,Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, School of Public Health, Texas A&M University
Yilin Zhuang – Water Resources Regional Specialized Agent, Mid-Florida Research and Education Center, University of Florida"
Isaiah Akoteyon – Department of Geography and Planning, Lagos State University
Neil Grigg – Professor, Colorado State University

Oral: PDF
