IWRA is pleased to inform both on the launch of the XVII World Water Congress new website and its first dedicated brochure. Visit this site to learn more about the Association’s congress to be held in Daegu, Korea (11-15 May 2020) and download the brochure!
The integrated online platform as well as the first brochure offer a broad list of new exciting features, including:
- Welcome messages from the co-organisers: IWRA’s President, Gabriel Eckstein, the Mayor of Daegu Metropolitan City, Kwon Young-jin, the President of the Korea Water Resources Association, Kyung Soo Jun, and the President and CEO of K-water, Hak-Soo Lee.
- Congress sub-themes and cross-cutting issues under the main theme of this event focusing on “Foundations for Global Water Security and Resilience: Knowledge, Technology and Policy”.
- Preliminary congress programme with information on the expected structure of the week (opening ceremony, high-level panels, parallel sessions, IWRA awards ceremony, closing ceremony, etc.), and the social programme (welcome reception, gala dinner, luncheon, technical and cultural tours, etc.).
- Information on the call for abstracts, special sessions and side events as well as related key dates to remember, also for early registration and other important deadlines.
- Set-up of personal accounts in order to submit your abstract/s, session/s, poster/s or side event/s proposals, register for the congress, upload your presentations, sign-up for the newsletters, etc.
- Access to publications (first brochure, leaflets, banners, etc.) and social media channels (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).
- Information on hotel accomodation, transportation, and the venue (Korea, Daegu, EXCO Centre, visa requirements and other details).
- Much more (sponsorship opportunities, list of the governance and working bodies, co-organiser websites, etc.).
Discover the new XVII World Water Congress website and enjoy your reading!