New IWRA Task Forces Call For Panellists!

IWRA is pleased to announce the launch of three new Task Forces on Water Security, Water and Climate Change and Preparations for its 50th Anniversary.  The Association is seeking current members who are experts and have considerable experience on these topics, to join these Task Forces.

All IWRA task forces will be made up selected IWRA members, supported by the IWRA Executive Office and its Board.  Panellists will have the opportunity to proactively interact with other IWRA members who share common interests, as well as to contribute to international projects and initiatives that might otherwise would be inaccessible for individual members.  In recognition of their contributions, the IWRA website will feature a short personal profile of each selected panellist.  More advantages are listed below.


IWRA is currently collaborating with the UNESCO International Centre for Water Security and Sustainable Management (i-WSSM), on the publication of the next issue of the ‘Global Water Security Issues (GWSI) Paper Series’.  This new series will focus on the theme of Water Reuse in the Context of a Circular Economy.  Additional sub-themes for water security will be developed in the future.

A key role for IWRA Water Security Task Force members will be to review and provide feedback on short case studies submitted by authors for the GWSI series.  Successful case study authors will be notified by September 6, 2019 and full first draft papers will be due by October 25, 2019.  Authors will be requested to respond to editorial review comments in December and final papers will be produced in February, 2020.

Task Force members who carry out editing or reviewing tasks will be acknowledged in the final publication of the GWSI Paper Series.

Please find the Terms of Reference, which includes more information on this Task Force, by clicking here.


In 2020, UN Water’s theme will focus on climate change.  Like every year, this is a unique opportunity to reflect and focus on key water topics through dedicated UN campaigns (World Water Day and World Toilet Day) and the World Water Development Report (WWDR).  International water and sustainable development agendas will also look to this theme next year.

IWRA is therefore seeking knowledgeable, experienced members that can help further the Association’s work on this important topic.  Our emphasis will be on how to better bridge water and climate change science with policy development.  Panellists will have the opportunity to guide IWRA’s work and future activities on water and climate change, including such things as the development of dedicated policy briefswebinars, and sessions at international water events such as the XVII World Water Congress.

Proper recognition will be provided to task force panellists on publications, events, presentations and projects provided all their help and assistance.

The Terms of Reference for this Climate Change Task Force can be found by clicking here.


In 2021 the Association will celebrate its 50th Anniversary.  Having been established in November 29th, 1971, this is a major milestone for our association and all IWRA members, to be celebrated with our partners, supporters, and the broader international water community.

One of the main tasks of the 50th Anniversary task force will be then to help us decide how best to mark this milestone.  This can include providing a collection of anecdotes from our members; remembering past milestones and significant moments of the Association; liaising with honorary and fellow members; and organising celebration initiatives and activities, such as special publications, events or awards.

Members that contribute to this Task Force will be acknowledged in all related activities and initiatives to celebrate IWRA’s anniversary.

More on the 50th Anniversary Task Force can be found by accessing the Terms of Reference.


We ask all interested applicants to submit a short 2-page CV and a 1-page covering letter to stating which task force they would like to join and explaining how their expertise would assist that task force.  If you have any questions, please email the same address.  The deadline for applications is September 20, 2019.  Female applicants and experts from developing countries are especially encouraged.

We look forward to your applications!