IWRA has members who span a range of professions and academic disciplines, either as companies, institutions or individuals. Members are committed to professional development and networking to sustain our water resources.
About the IWRA Membership
IWRA is a leading international organisation dedicated to fostering knowledge exchange, promoting dialogue, and advancing solutions through its members and partners. As a member, you become an integral part of a community committed to tackling the complex challenges of water management and conservation across the globe. Learn about our different membership packages below:
Individual Membership
We offer three individual levels of membership: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Each level of membership will have different levels of benefits.
Bronze Membership is a free, unlimited membership for people who want to keep an eye on IWRA’s activities and obtain minimal benefits at no financial cost.
Bronze Members can:
- Receive newsletters and updates through IWRA’s mailing list
- Apply to join Task Forces and Chapters as a participant
Upgrade your membership in order to:
- Gain access to Water International
- Gain voting privileges for IWRA elections
- Lead/Sit on a Task Force or Chapter Bureau
- Run for election to the Executive Board
- Lead or propose Webinars or Policy Briefs outside of TFs
- Promote activities and publications through the IWRA network
- Receive discounts to all IWRA Congresses and Conferences
- Access exclusive content for paying members only (in the first year following IWRA events)
- Receive invitations to attend in-person board meetings or workshops, “Gold Events,” or the President’s reception at Congress
- Get invited to attend all in-person Board meetings/workshops
Silver Membership is aimed at anyone who wants to network, get involved and engage in IWRA activities. Silver Members are given the opportunity to leverage their membership to advance their careers and reputations with the possibility of having a leading role in IWRA activities.
Silver Members can:
- Receive newsletters and updates through IWRA’s mailing list
- Join Task Forces and Chapters as a participant
- Access most of the “members only” content through the IWRA portal
- Gain access to Water International
- Gain voting privileges for IWRA elections
- Lead/Sit on a Task Force or Chapter Bureau
- Run for election to the Executive Board
- Lead or propose Webinars or Policy Briefs outside of TFs
- Access exclusive content for paying members only
- Promote activities and publications through the IWRA network
Upgrade your membership to Gold in order to:
- Receive discounts to all IWRA Congresses/Conferences
- Receive invitations to attend in-person board meetings or workshops
- Receive invitations to attend “Gold Events” or the President’s reception at Congress
Gold membership is aimed at members who want a “Premier” experience and who are planning to participate in IWRA events. This membership provides a discount on registration and provides access to exclusive events.
Gold Members can:
- Receive newsletters and updates through our IWRA mailing list
- Join Task Forces and Chapters as a participant
- Access all of the “members only” content
- Gain access to Water International
- Gain voting privileges for IWRA elections
- Sit on a Task Force or Chapter Bureau
- Run for election to the Executive Board
- Lead or propose Webinars or Policy Briefs outside of TFs
- Access exclusive content and events for paying members only
- Promote activities and publications through the IWRA network
- Receive discounts to all IWRA Congresses/Conferences
- Receive invitations to President’s reception at Congress
- Receive invitations to at least one on-line “Gold event” a year
- Receive invitations to attend in-person board meetings or workshops
As IWRA still wants to recognise the experience and expertise of our senior members, we will still award and maintain Honorary and Fellow Membership Awards. Members awarded with Honorary Membership status will become life-long Gold Members, and Fellow members will benefit from Gold Members’ benefits for the price of Silver Membership.
Are you thinking of nominating someone as a Fellow or Honorary member? For more information on how, visit this page.
Organisational Membership
This membership is for organisations/institutions who can join to become a Silver or Gold Partner to actively participate in IWRA activities!
A silver partnership offers an affordable level of membership to small and non-profit organisations that want to actively engage with IWRA members through activities and events, as well as to promote their activities across the IWRA network.
Silver Partner Organisations can:
- Include 2 Gold or 5 Silver Individual sub-members with all the relevant benefits
- Be listed as an IWRA Partner Organisation on the IWRA website
- Promote joint activities and institutional activities to IWRA membership
- List job opportunities on the membership space
- Gain 20% off any additional individual membership, up to 150 members
- Become the recognised sponsor of 2 Silver annual memberships for people on low incomes
Upgrade your Partnership to Gold in order to:
- Include 6 Gold or 15 Silver Individual sub-members with all the relevant benefits
- Benefit from high visibility advertising on the IWRA website and through our newsletter
- Receive a preferential rate on a World Water Congress Stand or a space at the IWRA stand
- Become the recognised sponsor of 6 Silver annual memberships for people on low incomes
Gold partnerships offer memberships to larger organisations that want to have more representatives actively engage with IWRA members on activities and at events (especially at the Congress), as well as promote their activities across the IWRA network.
Gold Partner Organisation can:
- Include 6 Gold or 15 Silver Individual sub-members with all the relevant benefits
- Be listed as an IWRA Partner Organisation on the IWRA website
- Promote joint activities and institutional activities to IWRA membership
- List job opportunities on the membership space
- Gain 20% off any additional individual membership, up to 150 members
- Benefit from high visibility advertising on the IWRA website and through our newsletter
- Receive a preferential rate on a World Water Congress Stand or a space on IWRA stand
- Become the recognised sponsor of 6 Silver annual memberships for people on low incomes
As a member you can:
• Connect and stay in touch with other IWRA members through the membership platform
• Expand your network and share your expertise with other water experts
• Meet with water professionals around the world and participate in various Task Forces and Geographic Chapters
• Publish your latest news in the IWRA newsletter, to inform the community about your activities
As a member, you can access our library of resources on the membership platform. This library includes all of our latest posts and archives of the following:
• Water International (WI): the official peer-reviewed journal of IWRA. We release 8 issues per year online, covering topics related to water management, governance, and policy.
• IWRA Quarterly Newsletter: We give the latest updates pertaining to members, member activities, events, publications, calls for papers, and global water news.
• World Water Congress material (including recordings, articles, posters, presentations, Congress reports, and other material from past congresses).
• Online Conferences materials (including recordings, articles, posters, andpresentations)
Contribute to our IWRA Task Forces
By joining our Task Forces, you’ll gain the opportunity to network within a specific discipline and to contribute to international projects through IWRA. IWRA has already launched several task forces on:
- Water Quality
- Smart Water Management
- Water Security
- Water and Climate Change
- Early Career and Young Professionals
- Ground Water
- Land4Flood
If you are interested in participating in any of these task forces or you want to help IWRA setup a new one, contact the Executive Office:
Get involved in Geographic chapters:
- Geographic chapters currently exist in China, India, Japan, Latin America & Carribean, Mongolia and Oceania. To get involved in these chapters, contact the Regional Chair. More information can be found here.
- If you are located in a country without a current IWRA regional or national chapter and you are keen to mobilise local water stakeholders, you can start your own chapter through a host organization in the region. If interested, contact the Executive Office:
Participate in IWRA presential and online Events
- Participate in IWRA regular online webinars.
- If you are a Gold member, get a discount when registering for the World Water Congress
- Participate in IWRA’s Online Conferences
- Stay informed and receive announcements on upcoming events, such as webinars, seminars, conferences and meetings.

Do you have a question about membership?
If so, you can access our list of frequently asked questions about this major membership structure transition, as well as find additional information. You can also contact us with any related questions.

Stafford Rosenbaum LLP
222 West Washington Avenue, Suite 900
Madison, Wisconsin 53701-1784
United States of America
IWRA Executive Office
22, rue de Madrid 75008
Paris, France
Phone: +33-6-44-20-57-53