IWRA Webinar – N°22

Leaving No One Behind, 27 June 2019.

This IWRA webinar, co-organised with WaterLex, followed-up on discussions brought-up during the 1st World Summit on Leaving No One Behind, held in February 2019. It drew the panellists from participants of this event who had proposed uniquely creative and useful technical solutions for water and sanitation access for millions of people worldwide that are currently being “left behind”. Panellists also exchanged on innovative strategies that included simple ways to improve water supply as a mean to address human health and wellness. Moreover, other presenters engaged on the ways that different sectors and stakeholders, including the private sphere, need to be included on these responses so that particularly education can be scaled-up. It was also highlighted the ways that people working on the ground can be better engaged around self-organisation, and improved governance as a way to further resilience to water related challenges. Finally, other panellists expressed the need to scale-up the human rights approach, particularly around water and sanitation services. 

During the webinar, the poll conducted suggested that the audience felt by a large majority that the biggest barrier to implementing the human right to water for all not to leave any people or marginalised groups (e.g. women, children, LGBTQIs, refugees, disabled and indigenous people, etc.) behind was systemic governance issues.

With almost 90 attendees registered, this webinar included distinguished panellists namely Amanda Loeffen (Director General, WaterLex), Deepthi Wickramasinghe (Chair Department of Zoology and Environmental Sciences, University of Colombo), Eva Manzano (Senior WASH Advisor, CAWST- Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology), Afef Tlili (Manager, Minerva Consulting), and Snehalatha Mekala (Consultant Regional Coordinator, Freshwater Action Network South Asia). This event was moderated by Scott McKenzie, PhD Candidate, University of British Columbia.

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